Should I Repair Or Replace My Furnace?

While the days are warming up in Foley, nighttime remains chilly. Many homeowners are cooling their homes during the day and turning on the heat at night due to the weather fluctuations. If you are experiencing problems with your heating unit, many wonder if repairing or replacing is the best decision. It is important your heating unit is in proper condition before the winter season is over to ensure it is ready the moment you need it next season. In this blog, we discuss factors to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace in Foley, AL.
How Long Do Furnaces Last?
Eventually, your furnace will need to be replaced in your home. Furnace systems can last anywhere between 15-20 years if well maintained. Maintenance is key when it comes to prolonging the life of your heating system, and there are a variety of ways to do so. Below are tips to increase your furnace’s lifespan.
- Schedule Maintenance Once A Year
- Regularly Change Air Filters
- Keep Furnace Clean And Clear
- Seal Air Leaks
- Insulate Your Home
We understand replacing your furnace is costly upfront, but it can save you more money in the long run. New furnaces can provide many benefits for your home, such as:
- Improved Comfort
- Better Air Quality
- Efficient & Effective Heating
- Lower Heating Costs
Factors To Consider
Furnaces work all winter long to keep your home warm and cozy. Unfortunately, furnaces can malfunction and lead to a breakdown. Deciding whether to replace or repair your furnace can be a difficult decision. Furnace systems are costly upfront, and repairing is often the cheaper option. However, repairing may not be the best long-term solution. Below we have listed factors to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace in Fairhope, AL and surrounding areas.
- Age Of The Furnace
- Cost Of Repair
- Heating Bills
- Frequent Repairs
Age Of The Furnace
As we mentioned, furnaces typically last between 15 and 20 years. Like many other appliances, furnaces will decrease in efficiency each year. Furnaces are made up of many components, which experience wear and tear throughout the years. In some cases, furnaces operate with underlying malfunctions causing the whole system to work harder until it breaks down. Once the unit hits the 15 year age mark, it likely is using more energy to generate and distribute heat into your home. Additionally, older furnaces are more likely to need repairs and breakdown when compared to newer units.
We recommend replacing your furnace if it is 15 years or older to save energy, money, and comfort for years to come. If your furnace is under 15 years old and functioning properly, we recommend repairing the broken component.
Cost Of Repair
If you are experiencing a furnace breakdown, consider the cost of repair when deciding on a solution. While the cost of repair may be lower than the cost of replacement, it may not be the best option for your home in the long run. Repairing an aging or broken furnace is similar to putting a small bandaid over a large problem. We recommend using the “$5,000 rule” when deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace. The “$5,000 rule” multiples the cost of the repair by the age of the furnace. If the total exceeds $5,000, replacement is likely the best solution. If the repair is minor and affordable, repairing your furnace could be beneficial for you and your home.
Heating Bills
If you are wondering whether repairing or replacing your furnace is the best idea for your home, consider current and past heating bills. Monthly utility bills are a good indicator to how efficiently your furnace is operating. If your heating bills have increased from previous months or years, your furnace is using more energy to operate. Depending on heating bills and other factors, replacing your furnace could be the most cost effective solution in the future. While repairing is often cheaper upfront, heating costs can add up over time and possibly cost you more than replacement. If your heating bills are affordable and your furnace is running smoothly, repair is likely the best option.
Frequent Repairs
It is important to pay attention to the past of your furnace when deciding whether to repair or replace. When faced with the decision, we recommend thinking about previous repairs and how often the maintenance was needed. Furnaces needing replacement often require frequent repairs, while efficient furnaces rarely require repairs. If you have experienced multiple breakdowns or needed repairs in the past year, it is likely time to replace your furnace. Continuing to repair a broken furnace can cost more money over time when compared to the cost of replacing. Additionally, constant repairs can be stressful and uncomfortable during the winter months.
Financing Options
Furnace systems are a necessary appliance for your home, and we are here to help when the time comes to replace the unit. Not only can we quickly install a furnace and restore your comfort, but the Anchor Air team can help ensure you can afford the replacement. We understand furnaces are a costly investment for your home, and replacing often comes at unexpected times. Anchor Air proudly offers financing options for our customers, because comfort should always be affordable in our community. Visit our financing page or call our office to learn more about affordable furnace replacement in Foley, AL and surrounding areas.
At Anchor Air, your comfort is our top priority. Our expert technicians are prepared to replace or repair your furnace in a time of need. We can provide you with honest solutions, because our team wants the best for you and your home. Give us a call if you are replacing or repairing your furnace in Fairhope, AL!